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私が多言語に堪能になった本当の理由_The Real Reason I Became Fluent in Multiple Languages










親はどうしても自分ができなかったことを子供にやらせたがるものです。自分が若い時に機会がなかったことや、苦手だったことをある程度、子供にやらせたくなります。なので、若い時にそれほど海外に触れる機会がなかった親は他の科目よりか、語学の勉強 に対してポジティブで励んでくれたと思います。私は言語が他の科目より特段成績はよかった、得意だったということではありませんでしたが、親に比べれば、得意だったなので、親からのサポートが比較的大きかったと思います。





Image via author




7.FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)





The Real Reason I Became Fluent in Multiple Languages

1. School teachers

Thanks to growing up in the south-east of England, it was easy to go abroad, and even before the age of LCCs, it only took about an hour to get to France by ferry. Although it wasn't common for primary school children to go abroad on school trips, the headmaster of my school was very enthusiastic. He taught us French and took us all on a school trip to Normandy, France. We were only 10 years old. This was my first opportunity be immersed in a foreign language. I didn't realize it at all when I was younger, but the teachers you meet as a child really have a big impact on your life.

I also met teachers who were enthusiastic about languages ​​in secondary school. The deputy-head was fluent in French and was great at stimulating our curiosity, and it was clear that the other language teachers also loved their subject, so they taught us not only French but also Latin with enthusiasm. It could have been any language really. I think I chose which subjects to take at GCSE and A Levels because I was attracted to the teachers' enthusiasm.

I didn't choose the subjects that gave me the best marks.

The headmistress also gave us many opportunities, such as inviting international students and teachers from overseas.

2. Career Forum

When I was in secondary school, a career forum was held at school one evening. There was a professional in each classroom, and we listened to their talks. I must have listened to a lot of people, but the only person I can remember was a professional interpreter who spoke in the gym. The woman had studied French at university and became a French-English interpreter, but then moved to Sweden and quickly learned to speak Swedish (she used the word "osmosis") and added it to her repertoire of interpreting languages. She seemed to enjoy speaking about her job, and I realized that languages ​​could be a career.

In the end, I too was able to make a career out of languages, and my professions have included teacher, translator, interpreter, coordinator and supervisor.

3. My Parents

Parents always want their children to be able to do the things that they couldn't do themselves. They want their children to have opportunities that they didn't have when they were young, and to achieve things that they weren't successful at themselves. So I think that because my parents didn't have much opportunity to be exposed to other countries when they were young, they were relatively positive and encouraging about studying languages more ​​than other subjects. I wasn't particularly good at languages ​​compared to other subjects, but I was good at them compared to my parents, so I think I received a lot of support from them.

4. Things I'm good at vs. things I found easy

In secondary school, I was actually quite bad at speaking, and I was best at science and maths, where the correct answers were clear. However, there were not many students who were good at languages, so I probably looked good at languages ​​compared to the others. I think my marks were good in languages because we didn't have to speak much in language subjects at school and we studied a lot of literature.

5. Friends

The headteacher of my secondary school sometimes invited international students, and a girl from Japan joined my class for a year when I was 17. She became part of my friend group, so we talked almost every day. That friend taught me a little bit of Japanese on the way home, and thanks to that, I became interested in languages ​​outside the Indo-European language group. And that was also the age when I was thinking about my path to further education, so I ended up choosing to aim for Oriental Studies.

Image by the author

Friends have a big influence on your life.

6. Personality

I think my personality also played a role. I was quite curious and enjoyed discovering new things, so I also liked finding differences with my native language. I was a child with a bit of a spirit of adventure, and I thought different languages ​​were mysterious and interesting.

7. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

The first six reasons were positive reasons for learning languages. But, since it's about myself, I have a strong bias so I am bound to put a positive spin on things. However, if I think deeply and remember when I first started learning languages, this is the real reason why I studied languages ​​so hard.

It's the fear of being left out. The feeling of alienation when someone is talking but I don't understand what they're saying. I think my motivation was to somehow get rid of that vague feeling I get when I can't understand a conversation or a sentence. I think I got so obsessed with languages because I was scared of not understanding the people around me, not being able to join in that group, or being the only one who doesn't understand something.

By the way, this is not limited to spoken languages. The reason I desperately tried to learn the group dance called Rueda was because I was frustrated when I saw a group dancing Rueda and couldn't join in because I didn't understand the group's signals.

The path of our lives diverge according to many different influences, but the influences we receive when we are young seem to be the greatest.





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