Megan Bucknall via Unsplash!
なお、hypocriteの反対語になる単語は特にありません。統一ができていることが当たり前だからです。褒めるまでもなく、統一ができていない時だけが批判の対象になります。Hypocriteの反対語に一番近い表現は、「walk the walk」ですが、単語一つではありませんし、ネガティブな言い方が使われていることも多いです。
One of the words that English-speaking people like to use when criticizing acquaintances or politicians is "hypocrite." This word indicates strong criticism and is often used by British and American people. In general, it means "someone who says one thing and does another." The fact that this single word is enough in English, while it requires an explanation in Japanese, shows that English-speaking people deploy this concept more frequently. Also, if someone calls me a "hypocrite!", I feel very embarrassed. It feels like I am being criticized deeply, and it's the equivalent of being called a "KY person" (someone who can't read the room) in Japanese culture. It seems to be a central concept in the culture.
This word shows that consistency is valued in English-speaking culture. They pay closer attention to whether what you say and what you do are consistent. The idea is that people who always act according to everything they have said in the past are good, and those who do not are allowed to be strongly criticized. (I understand that in Japanese culture, this is also exists to an extent, but it is comparatively important in English-speaking culture.)
For example, if someone says "I'll meet you at 15:00" and shows up at 15:15, that would not make them a hypocrite. However, if someone who has previously said "I think it's essential to be punctual" shows up at 15:15, that would be grounds to call them a hypocrite. Also, if someone who has previously criticized others for being late then shows up late, they would be called a hypocrite.
There is no single word that is the opposite of hypocrite. This is because consistency is a given. There is no need to praise someone, and criticism is only directed at those who are not consistent. The closest expression to the opposite of hypocrite is "walk the walk," but it's more than one word, and it is often used in a negative way.
So why is hypocrite such a strong word of criticism in English-speaking culture?
Is it because in places like the UK, the consistency between what you say and what you do is a handy indicator of whether to trust someone? Or is it because there is a culture of waiting for an opportunity to blame someone? In order to call someone a hypocrite, you need to remember that person's past behavior. Which means that, English-speaking people are often seeing the behavior of others (especially people they dislike) through a filter of whether they are consistent. They have their antennae up so they can be ready criticize at any time.
In contrast, I feel that Japan is not so sensitive to the consistency of behavior. Events that attract attention or are criticized in English-speaking countries are often not considered noteworthy in Japan. If you go to a pool in summer, you often see lifeguards blowing their whistles to reprimand swimmers. The most common warning is "No running!" I've been hearing this warning ever since I was a child. (Presumably because the poolside is made of slippery and hard materials). However, when the breaktime approaches and everyone has to get out of the pool, I often see lifeguards, who were just warning people not to run, start running themselves. I notice this because half of my brain still has its antennae up for English-speaking values, so I'm surprised that they're running. However, when I look around, no one is paying any attention to it. I guess the idea that "it's natural for someone's warnings and their behaviour to be different" is deeply rooted in people.
Similar things can be seen in hospitals, schools, homes and workplaces. What may seem contradictory from an English-speaking perspective is accepted as normal in Japanese culture. For example, in the workplace, an executive may repeatedly instruct employees to "attend weekly meetings in person a conference room," while the executive himself may participate remotely or be absent. Some Western colleagues laugh, or are puzzled, or stop trusting the executive, while many Japanese colleagues don't particularly care when they see this. They take it as "it's no big deal if what you say and what you do are different."
You may have heard the saying that "Japanese people are inflexible and Westerners are more flexible," but is this really true?
In the case of chasing hypocrisy, English-speaking people are more inflexible and Japanese people are more flexible. Japanese people typically hold opposing concepts in their heads at the same time. Sometimes a certain fact is correct and sometimes it is incorrect. They have more flexibility to believe different facts at the same time. Therefore, I think that the criticism that "Japanese people are too inflexible and rigid" needs to be prefaced with "according to the cultural values of English-speaking countries." It is equally true that English-speaking people can be rigid. It is interesting to see that the words of each culture shed some light on their differences.