Kiril Gruev via Pexels
I remember the very moment. We were walking together down through an orchard on the side of a hill. He pointed to a small chirping bird ahead of us that was hopping through the undergrowth. As usual, he loudly and confidently named the species of bird.
And then my universe turned inside out. I usually have no clue or interest in birdwatching, but on this occasion, I happened to know exactly what species of bird it was. And my father was completely wrong.
Now my brain was faced with recalibrating every interaction I had ever had with him throughout my life. Because the wiring of my brain told me that every time he spoke loudly and confidently, he was right. Every time he spoke about science, nature, history, art and economics, he was right.
Delete. Edit. Rewrite.
No, not every time he spoke loudly and confidently he was right. Every time he spoke loudly and confidently, he WANTED to be right. He believed he was right. He wanted to be right so much that he had convinced himself he was right.
This moment initiated a major refactoring of my brain. My father was always right. He was the correct one - the one to point out errors. The one to write into the newspaper with corrections. He quoted from academic books and historical figures. His perspective was always intelligent and right. He didn't make stupid mistakes like other people. He was my example to follow. I saw the world through his eyes.
Perhaps I had noticed his errors before on topics which I had specifially researched. But this time, the carpet was pulled out from under me. Because he is a very keen birdwatcher. He owns shelves and shelves of bird books, in which he has added his own handwritten notes. RSPB magazines and local birding newsletters are piled up here and there around the house. Whenever going out, his rucksack is weighed down with high-grade binoculars and bird books. Every bird sighting or birdsong has to be identified. Birdwatching is his Thing. The Thing he is expert in above every other subject.
But in that moment, I came face-to-face with a realization - I had always believed that he was infallible. Not only that he could not make a mistake, but that he was a better human than me - that he was on a higher level of intelligence than me. His knowledge in certain academic subjects and the confidence with which he spoke on those matters, without a waver of doubt in his voice, meant that he was right about everything he said. But that was all a belief, not a reality.
Have you ever experienced a moment in your life like that? When the veil and glitter falls away from someone you had assumed was all-round perfect and could do no wrong.
The first time in our life that we experience this earth-shattering moment is typically when we grow old enough to realize our parents are not the all-knowing beings we assumed them to be (or "The President" as Trevor Noah called it in his recent podcast about parenting.) The next time in our life we have such a moment may be when our school teacher makes a mistake and we realize they are not a perfect human being in everything they do.
The crazy thing is that, in adult life, we still carry this bias with us into the working world and end up subconsciously assuming that our manager is more knowledgeable and more skillful than us. And this assumption continues all the way up the corporate hierarchy. We believe that being further up the pyramid, must indicate more knowledge and skill. We seem to use the corporate hierarchy tree as a de-facto measurement of all-around greatness. This is "C-Suite Recommended", sounds better than "Executive Recommended", which must be better than "Manager Recommended", which must be better than "Employee Recommended". In fact this assumption is so subconscious and so pervasive, that it is very difficult to shake."Higher-up" almost automatically means someone is better and cleverer. Managers themselves also tend to think that they must have been promoted because they are superior to the other employees. While carefully neglecting to realize that they became manager because they were good at one specific skill, or because they were liked by their boss, or recruited by a friend. You typically only have to impress one person to get a position on the ladder because one person has the veto on the hiring/promotion decision.
This title bias was plainly demonstrated to me one autumn month when, due to an HR input error, my title suddenly changed from nothing to "Vice President" in the company system. The employees in the office interacted with me oh-so differently during that one month. Absolutely nothing had changed about me except the label shown under my name. But people were considerably more apologetic and polite with me for those 30 days!
Very rare is the person who doesn't change how they communicate or behave with someone who has a title.
It's worth considering how YOU are unconsciously changing your behaviour according to the perceived position that someone has in an organzation or group.
役職を持った人とのコミュニケーションや行動を変えない人は非常に稀です。 あなたがどのように無意識のうちに、組織やグループで他の人の位置に応じて振る舞いを変えているか、考える価値があります。